国外マスターズスポーツ大会参加者の阻害要因および阻害要因折衝:World Masters Games 2017 Auckland参加者の事例報告
公開日 2019年04月25日
国際観光学研究センター(CTR)研究員である彦次 佳 准教授(教育学部)と伊藤 央二 准教授(観光学部)による短報が学術誌「生涯スポーツ学研究」に掲載されました。
国外マスターズスポーツ大会参加者の阻害要因および阻害要因折衝:World Masters Games 2017 Auckland参加者の事例報告
彦次 佳 (和歌山大学 教育学部)
伊藤 央二 (和歌山大学 観光学部)
2018年 15 巻 2 号 p. 49-55
※日本生涯スポーツ学会 https://jsls.jp/
The World Masters Games, which is the one of the biggest participant sport events, will be hosted in Kansai in 2021. The purpose of this report was to explore constraints and constraint negotiation among Japanese masters games participants in the international masters games. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight Japanese masters athletes in the World Masters Games 2017 Auckland by asking about any problems they experienced (constraints) and the strategies they adopted to overcome those problems (constraint negotiation). The results revealed that Japanese participants in the international masters games experienced time constraints related to work and family responsibilities. To overcome those constraints, they tried to manage their work schedules (time negotiation) and to gain both understanding and support from their colleagues and families (interpersonal negotiation) in order to participate in the international masters games. Through a series of interviews, we cognized that Japanese participants in the international masters games stood face to face with their constraints to overcome them using their respective strategies.
constraints, constraint negotiation, sport tourism, international masters games