11/2(水)17時00分~開催!CTR workshop series for students and young researchers Session 1「Getting Published: A Practical Guide」
公開日 2022年10月20日
第1回は「Getting Published: A Practical Guide」と題し、国際学術誌「Tourism Geographies」の共同編集長など、さまざまな学術誌においても編集委員を務めるJoseph M. Cheer特任教授が、学術研究論文の作成から投稿、出版までのプロセスや実践的なヒントについてお話しします。
CTR workshop series for students and young researchers
Session 1 「Getting Published: A Practical Guide」
The aim of this webinar is to provide participants with practical understandings concerning getting academic research published. Securing the publication of academic research is, for the most part, an essential marker for researchers at all stages of their careers, demonstrating their ability to achieve outcomes that are primary indicators of academic achievement. Although, while publishing research is one thing, getting research accepted in journals and by publishers that are considered the best in the field is a far greater challenge. For many universities, publications criteria require scholars to publish in journals that offer the benefit of high impact (Impact Factor) and citation potential. Such journals are often on lists that are tied to key performance indicators. Moreover, when it comes to securing academic positions, promotions and grants, the track record of scholars usually requires the demonstration of a body of published work that showcases the individual’s achievements. In this webinar, participants will be guided through the publication process from the development of a manuscript, through to submission, the peer review process, revisions, and the post acceptance process. Practical tips and identification of pitfalls will be presented.
11月 2日(水)17時00分~18時00分(日本時間)
Joseph M. Cheer(和歌山大学 国際観光学研究センター 特任教授)
Joseph M. Cheer is a professor in sustainable tourism at Center for Tourism Research, Wakayama University, Japan, as well as Visiting Professor UCSI University, Malaysia and Adjunct Professor AUT, New Zealand. He has taught and attended as a visiting researcher and lecturer at universities in Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, China, India, Fiji, Vanuatu, Canada, United States, New Zealand and Australia. He is Co Editor-in-Chief of the journal Tourism Geographies, according to Scopus Cite Score Tracker (5 August, 2022) as the first ranked journal in the Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality Management subject area and second in Geography, Planning & Development. Joseph is also founding Chief Topic Editor for the new Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism, and on the editorial boards of other journals including; Sustainability, SHIMA, Tourism Management Perspectives, Tourism Planning & Development, Tourism Review and CABI Cases, among others. His body of work is characterised by the publication of over 10 books and over 70 journal articles and book chapters. He has received research funding from Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS), Australia Research Council (ARC), Australia-Japan Foundation, Australia-China Council, Japan Foundation, Australia Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT), and Tourism Research Australia, among others.
モデレーター:佐野 楓(和歌山大学 観光学部 准教授/CTR研究員)
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