5/23(木)16時30分~開催!CTR workshop series 2024 Session 1「Introduction to Serious Play for Research & Teaching」
公開日 2024年05月07日
第1回は「Introduction to Serious Play for Research & Teaching」と題し、フィンランド?ハーガヘリア応用科学大学の上級講師であり、CTR客員フェローであるAarni Tuomi氏が講師として登壇し、研究手法の一つとして自身が活用するレゴ?シリアスプレイを具体例に、学術分野におけるシリアスプレイの概念やその可能性についてお話しいたします。
CTR workshop series for students and young researchers 2024
Session 1 「Introduction to Serious Play for Research & Teaching」
In this session, Dr. Aarni Tuomi will introduce the concept of serious play, exploring its potential for research, teaching, and business consultancy. The majority of the talk will center around a specific application of serious play, i.e. the Lego Serious Play methodology, and its uses in academia. By the end of the session, participants will have a better understanding of the Lego Serious Play methodology as a unique approach they can consider for their own research project.
[オンライン] Zoom Meeting
[対面] 和歌山大学 西1号館1階 107室(CTR会議室)*キャンパスマップ
Dr. Aarni Tuomi(ハーガヘリア応用科学大学 上級講師/和歌山大学国際観光学研究センター 客員フェロー)
Aarni Tuomi works as Senior Lecturer in Experience Economy at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland. Dr. Tuomi obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Surrey, UK. He is an experienced service designer, manager, researcher, and a certified Lego Serious Play Master Trainer, having worked with diverse stakeholders and carried out several research projects e.g. in the UK, US, Spain, China, Japan, and Finland in collaboration with organizations such as the UNWTO and the European Regional Development Fund. Dr. Tuomi is particularly interested in using emerging technologies to improve and increase human capabilities in service business contexts. His research has explored e.g. digital labor platforms, service robotics, artificial intelligence, UX design, service innovation, immersive technologies (XR, AR, VR), and food technology. His work has been published in Q1 academic journals and is regularly featured in industry trade magazines.
モデレーター:Dr. Husna Zainal Abidin(和歌山大学 観光学部准教授)
[オンライン] 登録フォーム ※定員100名
[会場参加] 登録フォーム ※定員15名
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