児玉家資料について ―仲児?亮太郎?充次郎―は、1849年(嘉永2)、那賀郡中山村(粉河/現?紀の川市)に児玉庄右衛門の長男として生まれる。森田節斎に漢学を学び、1873年(明治6)に慶應義塾で学んだ。そのころから陸奥宗光と交流があった。自由民権運動に参加。猛山学校を設立した。実学社社員。県会議員、那賀郡長歴任後、第一回衆議院議員その後通算3期務めた。長男、も国会議員で、原敬の秘書を務めた。次男、は粉河教会を創設した。 資料のほとんどは、ミシガン大学に学んだ亮太郎の書籍であると考えられる。 全184冊。
Kodama family archives - Nakaji, Ryotaro, Jujiro -
Chuji Kodama (born in 1849 (Kaei 2) in Nakayama Village, Naga District, now Kinokawa City) was the eldest son of Shoemon Kodama. He studied Chinese classics under Sessai Morita and attended Keio Gijuku in 1873 (Meiji 6) where he had interactions with Munemitsu Mutsu. He participated in the Freedom and People’s Rights Movement and established the Mozan School. He was a member of Jitsugakusha. He served as a prefectural assembly member, as well as the head of Naga District. Kodama later served three terms as a member of the House of Representatives. His eldest son, Ryotaro, served as a member of the National Diet and worked as a secretary for Takashi Hara. Kodama’s second son, Jujiro, founded the Kokawa Church. Most of the documents, totaling 184 books written in English, are believed to belong to Ryotaro, during his studies at the University of Michigan.