種別 |
著者(CTR研究員) |
タイトル |
出版年 |
論文 |
伊藤 央二 |
諏訪湖マラソン大会参加者のマラソン大会参加動機と 観光動機に関する研究:参加者の宿泊と同伴者の有無に着目して |
2020 |
論文 |
伊藤 央二 |
ポスト東京2020 オリンピック?パラリンピック競技大会のスポーツツーリズム政策 |
2020 |
論文 |
伊藤 央二 |
大学弓道選手の心理的スキルと日本的スポーツ価値志向に関する研究 |
2020 |
論文 |
山口 志郎,
伊藤 央二 |
市民マラソンにおけるイベント満足度がディスティネーションの認知,イメージ,及びロイヤルティに与える影響:参加者視点のディスティネーションブランドエクイティの構築 |
2020 |
論文 |
伊藤 央二,
山口 志郎 |
サイクリングイベント参加者の参加動機と運営協力,再参加意図,口コミとの関連 |
2019 |
論文 |
Shintaro Kono,
Eiji Ito |
Predictive power of leisure constraint-negotiation models within the leisure-time physical activity context: A partial least squares structural equation modeling approach |
2019 |
論文 |
Eiji Ito,
Shintaro Kono |
Similarities and differences in constraints and constraint negotiation among Japanese sport tourists: A case of masters games participants |
2019 |
論文 |
Eiji Ito,
Kei Hikoji |
Relationships of involvement and interdependent happiness between domestic and international Japanese masters games tourists |
2019 |
論文 |
彦次 佳 ,
伊藤 央二 |
国外マスターズスポーツ大会参加者の阻害要因および阻害要因折衝:World Masters Games 2017 Auckland参加者の事例報告 |
2019 |
論文 |
伊藤 央二,
山口 志郎,
高松 祥平 |
サイクルスポーツイベントの再参加意図と口コミにおける感情評価理論の援用 |
2019 |
論文 |
伊藤 央二 |
Research, Lifelong Sport, and Travel: Sustainable Sport Tourism in the Prefecture of Okinawa |
2019 |
論文 |
Eiji Ito,
Gordon J. Walker,
Shintaro Kono |
A comparison of immediate and retrospective affective reports in leisure contexts |
2019 |
論文 |
伊藤 央二 |
熊野古道を歩くことがもたらす多局面にわたる感情経験について |
2018 |
論文 |
Shintaro Kono,
Eiji Ito |
Empirical investigation of the relationship between serious leisure and meaning in life among Japanese and Euro-Canadians |
2018 |
論文 |
Eiji Ito,
Kei Hikoji |
Constraints and Constraint Negotiation when Participating in Domestic and International Masters Games |
2018 |
論文 |
Shintaro Kono,
Gordon J. Walker |
Basic psychological need satisfaction and affect within the leisure sphere |
2018 |
論文 |
伊藤 央二,
Gordon J. Walker |
カナダ人, 中国人, 日本人大学生におけるレジャー活動種別と幸福感の関連性の文化的類似?相違点について |
2018 |
著書 |
伊藤 央二 |
Meanings of Leisure in Japan |
2018 |
論文 |
山口 志郎,
伊藤 央二 |
中山間地域における持続可能なスポーツツーリズムの発展:吉野川のアウトドアスポーツを事例に |
2018 |
論文 |
山口 志郎 |
スポーツイベントが開催地域にもたらす効果: 先行研究の検討 The impact of sport events on a host region: A literature review |
2018 |
論文 |
Gordon J. Walker,
Shintaro Kono |
The effects of basic psychological need satisfaction during leisure and paid work on global life satisfaction |
2018 |
論文 |
Shintaro Kono |
From Pragmatist Discussion to Pragmatist Projects in Leisure Research |
2018 |
論文 |
Shintaro Kono |
Constraining, Negotiating, and Facilitating Leisure after Disaster: a Case of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami |
2018 |
論文 |
Tom Hinch,
Shintaro Kono |
Ultramarathon runners’ perception of place: a photo-based analysis |
2018 |
論文 |
Shintaro Kono |
Predicting World Heritage site visitation intentions of North American park visitors |
2018 |
論文 |
Shintaro Kono,
Eiji Ito |
Are Leisure Constraints Models Reflective or Formative?: Evidence from Confirmatory Tetrad Analyses |
2018 |
論文 |
Eiji Ito,
Gordon J. Walker |
Discrepancies Between Japanese Undergraduate Students’ Ideal Affect and Actual Affect in Social Contexts and Life Domains |
2018 |
著書 |
Tom Hinch |
Sport Tourism Development 3rd Edition |
2018 |
論文 |
Eiji Ito,
Shintaro Kono,
Gordon J. Walker |
Development of Cross-Culturally Informed Leisure-Time Physical Activity Constraint and Constraint Negotiation Typologies: The Case of Japanese and Euro-Canadian Adults |
2018 |
論文 |
伊藤 央二,
山口 志郎 |
日本におけるスポーツコミッションの設立プロセスの検討:さいたま市、新潟市、福岡市の事例報告 |
2018 |
著書 |
Tom Hinch,
Adam Doering |
Sport, tourism and identity: Japan, rugby union and the transcultural maul |
2017 |
論文 |
Eiji Ito |
Perceived Benefits of Sport Participation for People with Dementia: A Case Study of the Running Events in Wakayama |
2017 |
論文 |
伊藤 央二,
Tom Hinch |
国内スポーツツーリズム研究の系統的レビュー |
2017 |
論文 |
Shintaro Kono,
Gordon J. Walker,
Eiji Ito |
Theorizing Leisure's Roles in the Pursuit of Ikigai (Life Worthiness): A Mixed-Methods Approach |
2017 |
論文 |
Eiji Ito,
Gordon J. Walker |
A Cross-Cultural/National Study of Canadian, Chinese, and Japanese University Students' Leisure Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being |
2017 |
論文 |
Gordon J. Walker,
Eiji Ito |
Mainland Chinese Canadian Immigrants' Leisure Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being: Results of a Two-Year Longitudinal Study |
2017 |
論文 |
Eiji Ito,
Gordon J. Walker |
Relationships among self-construal, control, and positive affect in Japanese undergraduate students’ leisure experience |
2017 |
論文 |
Tom Hinch,
Eiji Ito |
Sustainable Sport Tourism in Japan |
2017 |
論文 |
Adam Doering |
Mobilising Stoke: A Genealogy of Surf Tourism Development in Miyazaki, Japan |
2017 |